
A personal experience is unique, but unique can also be universal.
Often first impressions of a neighborhood fade before the city has had a chance to show its true character or highlight its strengths. However, when one is open and allows the imagination to speak, these spaces and images mingle in one's mind and create one's own perspective. I incorporated these truths into an engaging poem about a contrasting neighborhood.
The Brabantdam, centrally located in Ghent (BE), is a lost district that needs more interest. Due to the presence of prostitution in the side streets in combination with night stores, Brabantdam is attracted mainly in the evening by a crowd that creates numerous nuisances. The atmosphere of the street is an assemblage of some new, hip stores and neglected, vacant properties, creating a grim ambience that is often perceived as unsafe. The neighborhood now seems to belong to "nobody" and "undefined."
Promoting neighborhood cohesion and strengthening social safety are essential to revitalize such neighborhoods. By almost literally connecting residents and buildings in this light installation, we can create a solid community that is simultaneously open to visitors. This strongly present artwork, which plays with the material during the day and illuminates the lines of text in the poem at night, makes visitors reflect on the neighborhood's distinct character.

Hoe jij mijn naam scandeert
en me binnen loenst
je verleden laat lezen
ruimtes en beelden met fantasie buigt tot zinnen waarmee je me wilt winnen
Hoe jij met gestreelde kwasten
je grijsheid probeert te verkasten
maar soms het grauwe toch nog overneemt
mij zo met blote oog van je vervreemdt
door nachtsporen die braken, avondvlinders die kraken bij vuurwerk van rood neonlicht
Hoe ik nu zomers gerokt met fel gelakte tenen door je blikkende straten dans
want er zit muziek in je benen
en jij me vraagt: ‘maak ik een kans?’
Bieke Vandewalle

NDSM FUSE EXPO, Amsterdam, 2024